Register for upcoming consultations using the Upcoming Events table below. For instructions on how to participate in public consultations using the online tool WebEx, please visit Participate in City Virtual Events.

The City is continually working to broaden participation in city building. Are you interested in shaping Toronto’s future – how it looks, how it feels, how it moves and the opportunities it provides in terms of jobs and services to its residents? We would like to hear from you.

Here you can find information on how to provide input on proposed development applications, area-based planning studies and policy initiatives. Below is a list of upcoming community consultation events, guidance on how to participate and details on who to contact for further information.

Prior to the meeting time, you must register for the e-consultation meetings using the Webex registration links provided below.  Once you’ve registered, you will receive an email with the web link and call-in numbers to join the webinar. You will not be able to join the meeting without this information.

We encourage you to review the materials on this web page, which are intended to help you have a good experience while participating in upcoming consultations.

Thank you for your interest in planning a great city together.

Upcoming Events


Guidelines for City Planning Community Meetings

  • One voice at a time. Be direct and frame questions to specific speakers.
  • Be brief and limit yourself to one question or comment at the time, there will be other opportunities to engage.
  • Be a good listener and keep an open mind.
  • Raise hand to ask questions. For instructions on how to use the “raise hand” function refer to the Participate in City Virtual Engagement Events page.
  • Be respectful. City of Toronto is an inclusive public organization. Racist or other forms of discriminatory, prejudicial, or hateful comments and questions will not be tolerated.
  • Engage with high energy, be personable as you would in person!

What if I did not get a chance to ask my question during the meeting?

You can always send your comments and questions to the City Planning Staff or Councillor’s Office after the meeting. The contact information can be found on the notice that was sent to you and on this webpage. A member of the project team will contact you with answers to your questions.

Will the meeting be recorded? How can I have access to the recording?

Yes, the meeting will be recorded. You can contact the City Planning Staff to access the recording of the meeting.

How will Staff decide the order of participants who ask questions?

When you use the raise hand function, you will be automatically placed in a queue based on the order of who raised their hand first. The Host will unmute and call your name when its your turn to ask your question.

When the Q&A function is available in the meeting, the questions will be answered based on the order in which they were received. The Host will read your questions and may skip the ones that have already been answered.